Monday, February 22, 2010

1:26 AM... Time for work....

So... I'm not sure why, but I have found that usually, my most productive moments seem to arise about 1 AM, after a long day and just moments after thinking "I should have been to sleep 45 minutes ago." I read an interview about a month ago about a girl who has an online fashion/accessory/art store that she started a few years ago( She was saying how you have to just get to work when you feel the need. Basically, not try to fight the feeling or trying to put it off until tomorrow if your creative juices are already flowing, even if it is an odd hour. My life has always been, and seems like it will continue with this trend for a while... Cool with me.. My body is pissed off tho... I can tell it just wants to shut down... Thanks to hey-sus that I had that chocolate doughnut earlier or I never would made it this far.

This kick was about finding new graphic artists/designers for my clothing line. I happen to run across this dude that's suuppeerr sick with it. He doesn't know it yet, but based on the stuff that I've seen, we will be working together ALOT... Dude is ill. Check my man out.


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